Certifying Process

In order make the standard system accessible to Vietnamese producers while maintaining the strictly regulated evaluation and training, VietFarm application and certifying process contains 6 main basic steps.

From year 1 – year 2: 

Step 1: Application

  • The producer that wishes to become VietFarm members shall send their application to VietFarm Secretariat (CDI). The application form can be downloaded here (link).
  • The application will then be checked by the Secretariat and sent to the VietFarm Evaluation Board.

Step 2: Training:

  • Once the Evaluation Board approves the application, the producer will be trained to better understand the VietFarm standards and the evaluation process.

Step 3: Self-evaluation:

  • The producer shall conduct the self-evaluation procedures for their products on reports, lists of products, production processes and related evidences.

Step 4: Verification:

Following the self-evaluation of the producers, the Evaluation Board will decide whether the producer is qualified based on the following threshold:

  • Become a member of VietFarm: achieving 80% of VietFarm standards
  • If 80% of VietFarm's standards are not reached, the producers will be informed about the reasons and should be allowed to improve their perfomance and have their application re-considered within 6 months.

Step 5: Certification

  • VietFarm certificate is valid for 6 months.
  • The members’ products will be labeled under VietFarm branding.
  • VietFarm will provide assistance for its members to improve their production capacity, from cultivation, processing to exporting through training sessions.
  • VietFarm will support the producers to join the network and promote trade with domestic and finternational markets.

Step 6: Reissuance/renewal of the certification

Every 6 months

From year 3:

The producers will be re-evaluated by VietFarm to complete the quality of products as follows:

After Step 3: Self-evaluation

Step 3.2: Independent evaluation

  • The experts from VietFarm will carry out the assessment and inspection of the producers’ overall performance, including product quality, production process, packaging, etc.

Step 4: Confirmation

The Evaluation Board of VietFarm will review:

  • Become a member of VietFarm: achieving 80% of VietFarm standards
  • If 80% of VietFarm's standards are not reached, the producers will be informed about the problems and be allowed to complete within 6 months.

Step 5: Verification

  • After being certified, the producers will officially enter VietFarm system.

Step 6: Renewal of Certification

  • The producers are allowed to extend VietFarm certification.

Vietfarm- Pride of Vietnam

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