VietFarm supports the production of many different types of products within Vietnam. These products are sourced from various locations throughout Vietnam ranging from the coffee producing highlands of Dak Lok in Central Vietnam to the diverse Northern regions such as Son La province. VietFarm products are locally and sustainably produced used Vietfarm sustainability values in production through packaging.

Vietnam is the second largest exporter of Coffee in the world behind Brazil. The opportunity for a worldwide Vietnam branded coffee is huge


Vietnam’s Tea producing industry is perfectly located within the South East Asian Monsoon belt where rainfall is plentiful and well suited to the production

In Vietnam, cocoa is imported and widely grown in many places with an area of ​​over 11,600 ha, mainly concentrated in 15 provinces in the Central Highlands, South East and Mekong Delta. The Central Highlands region is still considered as the most favorable conditions for cocoa development. In addition, areas such as Dak Lak, Ben Tre, Buon Ma Thuot are also well known for cocoa.

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Vietnam’s export of the Macadamia nut has the potential to grow hugely in the next few years

With Vietnam experiencing such a unique climate, it is lucky to home to thousands of unique and delicious fruits that grow excellently  in the country’s varied climate.

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Vietfarm- Pride of Vietnam

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