Join in VietFarm community:
1. VietFarm community shall together enhance competitive capacity and brands of producers along the supply chain.
2. VietFarm community shall together produce higher quality and production volumes with VietFarm standards, through which the products can be accepted at domestic and international markets
3. VietFarmers promote sustainable farming and production and minimize the impact on environment and society.
4. VietFarm community work in cooperation between farmers, business and scientists.
5. VietFarmers commit to attaining high-quality standards
6. VietFarm consumers help influence farming and productions attitude about sustainability
7. VietFarmers share good practices in farming and product safety.
8. VietFarmers are supported with technology, know-how in processing and product development and market access
9. VietFarmers have product labelled with VietFarm standards to assure quality and trust of consumers.
Vietfarm- Pride of Vietnam
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