VietFarm standard is guaranteed by its own Operational Manual as the guide to govern the system.
The operational manual describes the VietFarm Standard certification system, its basic rules and principles in the certification process, the concept of certification compliance criteria and the reasons for sanctions if the certification is violated. In addition, the operating manual provides an overview of information on the inspection and certification process.
Scope of Appliance
The standard operating manual applies to all parties involved in the VietFarm Standard including VietFarm standard applicants, the VietFarm Secretariat, the VietFarm Council, and inspectors and customers of VietFarm.
Certification System
What are the VietFarm Standards?
VietFarm is an independent standards system that adopts and is assessed by international standard bodies. VietFarm Standards can be applied to enterprises, cooperatives and farms in the agricultural sector. With the quality of international standards and a commitment to sustainability, small and medium agricultural producers in Vietnam will gain the trust of domestic and international customers and consumers. VietFarm Standards will certify the products and apply labels on certified products.
Content and Methods of setting the Standards
The VietFarm Standards are designed according to the criteria of quality management systems, food hygiene and safety management systems, good agricultural practices and technical requirements of international and regional agricultural products in conjunction with national standards for agricultural products and current regulations on food safety in Vietnam.
Reference System
- The international standards referenced as guides to developing the VietFarm Standards include: IFOAM, Fairtrade, UTZ, Global G.A.P., Vietgap, National Standard on Organic Agriculture (TCVN 110401-1: 2017)
- TCVN 17065 (Vietnam-Government endorsed version of ISO 17067)
- International and national technical standards for the maximum amount of pesticide residues, heavy metal contamination in food, and fungal toxin contamination in food
- Regulations on food hygiene and safety in manufacturing and processing for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Hazard Analysis and Limit Review (HACCP)
- ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2004 [Expired from September 15, 2018]
- ASEANGAP, Good agricultural practices for fresh fruits and vegetables in ASEAN region
- JGAP (2010), Control Point and Compliance Criteria for Fruits and Vegetables
- A.P, General Regulations, Part 1 General requirements, Part 2 Quality Management System Rules; Integrated Farm Assurance, All Farm Base – Crops based- Combined crops, Fruit and Vegetables, Tea (Version 4.0, Version 5.0)
- QCVN 12-1: 2011 / BYT National technical standards on hygiene and safety for food that comes in direct contact with synthetic plastic packaging and tools
- QCVN 12-2: 2011 / BYT National technical standards on hygiene and safety for food that comes in direct contact with rubber packaging and tools
- QCVN 12-3: 2011 / BYT National technical standards on hygiene and safety for food that comes in direct contact with metal packaging and tools
- QCVN 8-1: 2011 / BYT National technical regulations on limits of fungal toxin contamination in food
- QCVN 8-2: 2011 / BYT National technical regulations on limits of heavy metal pollution in food
- QCVN 8-3: 2012 / BYT National technical standards for microbial contamination in food
- QCVN 03-MT: 2015 / BTNMT National technical regulations on permissible limits of some heavy metals in the soil
- QCVN 08-MT: 2015 / BTNMT National technical regulation on surface water quality
- QCVN 02: 2009 / BYT National technical regulations on the quality of drinking water
- QCVN 01-132: 2013 / BNNPTNT National technical standards for vegetables, fruits and fresh tea qualified to ensure food safety during production and preliminary processing
- Circular No. 50/2016 / TT-BYT regulating the maximum limit of pesticide residues in food
- Joint Circular No. 05/2016 / TTLT-BNNPTNT-BTNMT dated May 16, 2016 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment guiding the collecting, transporting and handling of pesticide packaging after use
- Circular No. 03/2018 / TT-BNNPTNT on plant protection of drugs permitted for use.
VietFarm Standards Operational Manual. VietFarm standard is governed by VietFarm Standard Operational Manual v.1 2018
Guide for Test of products for VietFarm Certified entity. The test and lab can be recommended by VietFarm certifying body based on the competence. See the test requirements here.
Auditor and Certifying Body is guided by Audit manual Here (Vietnamese verson)
Vietfarm- Pride of Vietnam
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